Award winning wood carvings since 1963
Award winning wood carvings since 1963
50th Anniversary of Wood Carvings Celebration With 50 Bear Wood Carvings!
Each new Christmas season brings new ideas for ornaments. Special orders considered.
The Rabbit and Squirrel Ornaments can both be reversed in design if requested, so pairs can be created in case two of the same ornaments are needed for the same tree.
Carvings Available For Immediate Shipment!
Click here for the Woodworkers Journal story on Christine Coffman's Carvings
Click here for the Ornament Blog on on Christine Coffman's Carvings
Watch the Video that KIRO TV has produced of Christine Coffman
We have lovingly hand-carved:
Click Here for
Lots of Gift Ideas
Click Here for some of our
previous years Carvings
Is there any place that can make prints from 35mm slides?
These bear carvings are made from
Butternut wood. It's easy to see the different ways the grain pattern
changes, depending on if the bear has the grain running face on or from
the side. Notice the difference between the appearance of Bear carving #
6 and Bear carving #10.
These Butternut Bears can be carved so they are standing or sitting. By
carving them in the 5 to 6 inch range, Coffman is able to get a lot of
movement and expression into their poses and faces. Oddly enough, these
are also the carvings that most people claim look like one of their
Their natural bottom-heavy tendency of the Bear carving allows them to
be off center but still very stable. You can see that although they
definitely all belong to the same slough, their heads and expressions
are all very different. Coffman enjoyed working with these bears so much
that they inspired her greeting card
line. So many people at shows would pick one of these bear carvings
up and make up a story that they were certain must apply to that bear.
They'd be certain it was shy or laughing at something or perhaps hiding
a secret. It happened so often that greeting cards that could frame the bear in a story just seemed to be the next natural
step to take.
As with all of her carvings, these bears are carved in the round.
Hopefully they are interesting from all sides.
These bears can easily be special ordered with a suggestion of a pose or
emotion that could be expressed by the bear's face and its body
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Butternut Bears |
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